Taman Sari Yogyakarta

Taman Sari Sultan Palace Sultan Palace is a former park was built during the lane I (1758-1765). Taman Sari is actually used to have an area of 10 hectares complete with buildings, swimming baths, hanging bridges, water canals, artificial lakes, artificial islands and underwater hallway.

Taman Sari is divided into 4 sections:

  1. The first part is an artificial lake that is located in the west. 
  2. The second part is the building which is located south of the artificial lake, among others Baths Bannerman Binangun. 
  3. The third part is Pasarean Ledok Sari and Swimming Garjitawati located in the south part of the second. 
  4. The last part is the east side first and second parts and extends to the east to southeast complex Magangan